
Learn more about how to add products from supplier Collections to your projects and shops.

On this page:

How to search for products in supplier Collections


How to search for products in supplier Collections

To search for products from Collections in a client form (presentation, estimate, sales order, or invoice):

  1. Click + Add > Product
  2. Click More > From Collections database
  3. Search by title, click the "Supplier" drop-down or click the "Themes" drop-down
  4. Click Search
  5. Select a Collection to view the supplier's products
  6. Click theproductpageicon  to view more information about each product in the Collection
  7. Select the product(s) you'd like to add to your form; the product's background will turn blue once it's added to the form


To search for products from Collections in a shop:

  1. In the Products tab, click + Add > Product
  2. Click More > From Collections database
  3. Search by title, click the "Supplier" drop-down or click the "Themes" drop-down
  4. Click Search
  5. Select a Collection to view the supplier's products
  6. Click theproductpageicon  to view more information about each product in the Collection
  7. Select the product(s) you'd like to add to your form; the product's background will turn blue once it's added to the shop


You can view and copy supplier Collections from the Connect > Collections tab.

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Can I create my own collection?

The Collections database is exclusively for supplier Collections. You can make your own "Collection," but you can create a collection of products in a presentation. Create a presentation that represents a group of products you'd like to access quickly. For example, you could create presentations filled with tech items, home products, or eco-friendly items. From there, you can copy that presentation between different clients, copy it to a shop, or use the Previous Orders database to pull things from it occasionally.

Who do I contact if I have questions about a Collection?

The Collection's creator is listed in the footer. They're the best point of contact if you have questions about a Collection, including sale pricing.

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