Discounts and Credits on Supplier Bills

Learn how to apply discounts and credits to your supplier bills.

On this page:

Add a discount or credit to a supplier bill


Add a discount or credit to a supplier bill

You can add a discount or credit to a supplier bill in commonsku by adding a negative value service line.

To add a negative value service line:

  1. In the supplier bill, click Add Bill Item
  2. Enter the code and item name (discount or credit)
  3. Enter the amount of the discount/credit as a negative value in the unit cost field (i.e., "-10.00")
  4. Click to View/Edit Breakdown and remove the line item's tax, or change it to tax-exempt
  5. Add/edit the other line items (optional)
  6. Click Done

Users need permission to Create/Modify/Delete Bills to make adjustments to bills in commonsku.

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Can I export a negative value bill to my accounting platform?

QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop will not accept negative value bills (bills with less than $0 owing). The best practice to capture negative value bills in commonsku and QuickBooks is to:

  1. Export the bill without the negative line item
  2. Add the negative line item to the commonsku bill and the QuickBooks bill

Xero will accept negative value bills.

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