Email Templates

Email templates make it easy to highlight important details for your clients/suppliers and save you from typing repetitive messages. Templates can be created and shared by your team, but only your team admin(s) can edit or delete existing templates.

On this page

Create a template

Template text

Edit a template

Delete a template

Send a template

Create a template

Your team can create email templates directly through a project or in the Company Settings > Email Templates.

To create an email template in Company Settings:

  1. Click your Profile icon (top right corner of commonsku) > Settings > Company Settings
  2. Click the Email Templates section
  3. Click + Add Template
  4. Type a name in the "Template Name" field
  5. Enter the template's text
  6. Click Add
  7. Click Done

To create email templates from a project: 

  1. In commonsku, compose an outgoing email to your client or supplier
  2. In the "Send email" screen, select Add Template
  3. Type a name in the "Template Name" field
  4. Enter the template's text
  5. Click Add
  6. Select the new template from the "Template" drop-down
  7. Edit the template and add personalization (optional)
  8. Click to Send Email

Users need permission to Manage users, billing, and company settings to make adjustments to email templates.

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Template text

Font editing tools include the:

  • Bold and italics icons 
  • Underline icon
  • Font family drop-down 
  • Font sizes drop-down 

Paragraph editing tools include the:

  • Paragraph drop-down
  • Alignment icons 
  • Bullet list drop-down 
  • Numbered list drop-down 
  • Increase and decrease indent icons 
  • Clear formatting icon

Insert tools include the:

  • Insert/edit link icon 
  • Remove link icon 
  • Inset/edit image icon 
  • Table icon

Additional tools include the:

  • Undo and redo function
  • Source code

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Edit a template

To edit an email template:

  1. Click your Profile icon (top right corner of commonsku) > Settings > Company Settings
  2. Click the Email Templates section
  3. Select a template from the left navigation panel
  4. Edit the template name and template text as needed
  5. Click Done

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Delete a template

To delete an email template:

  1. Click your Profile icon (top right corner of commonsku) > Settings > Company Settings
  2. Click the Email Templates section
  3. Select a template from the left navigation panel
  4. Click the trash 2 icon
  5. Click Delete
  6. Click Done

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Send a template

To send an email template:

  1. In commonsku, compose an outgoing email to your client or supplier
  2. In the "Send email" screen, select a template from the "Template" drop-down
  3. Edit the template and add personalization (optional)
  4. Click to Send Email

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