How to Forward an Email to a Client's Page

Learn how to forward emails directly to a client's page. That way, you can keep track of everything inside of commonsku!

Use your team's email forwarding address to forward emails from your regular inbox directly to a client's page. You can use the same forwarding addresses for all of your clients. commonsku then identifies the correct client page based on the contact email listed in the email you're forwarding. 

On this page:

Where to find your forwarding address

Rules for email forwarding

Where to find your forwarding address

Your team's forwarding address uses the same username as your project emails. To find your team's username, open any project and refer to the project email. Your team forwarding address would use the same username, just without the #projectnumber.

Email forwarding is only available for email addresses associated with your company account. You cannot forward emails from a personal account, and your client cannot send emails to the client page's email address.

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Rules for email forwarding

Here are a few things to keep in mind before you forward an email to a client page:

  • The email you forward must contain one of your commonsku contact's email addresses.
  • You cannot forward emails for duplicate contacts. commonsku doesn't know what client to sync the email with if the contact is in more than one client page.
  • Email forwarding is only available for email addresses associated with your company account. You cannot forward emails from a personal account, and your client cannot send emails to the client page's email address.
  • Your forwarding address ends in, not

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