How do I Delete a Project or Form?

You need to delete all of a project's forms before you can delete the project. Forms must be deleted working backward from the most recently created form. For example, delete the sales order first, then the estimate, then the presentation.

On this page:

How do I delete a project?

How do I delete a presentation, estimate, sales order, or invoice?

How do I delete a purchase order?

How do I delete a bill?


How do I delete a project?

To delete a project, click Actions > Delete Project from the project's Overview. 

If there's no option to delete the project, it's either because:

  • There are populated forms in the project (presentation/estimate/sales order/invoices)
  • You do not have the necessary permissions to delete the project.

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How do I delete a presentation, estimate, sales order, or invoice?

To delete a form from a project, click the Actions button on the form > click to Delete.

Deleted presentations, estimate, sales orders, and invoices can be recovered through the Jobs tab in a client's page.

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How do I delete a purchase order?

To delete a purchase order from within a project, click Delete on the right side of the purchase order.

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How do I delete a bill?

To delete a bill:

  1. In Finance > Billing > click the "Report Type" drop-down and select Export Bills or Exported Bills
  2. Select a supplier, enter a PO number, or add the bill's dates
  3. Click Get Report
  4. Select the bill(s) you'd like to delete
  5. Click Delete Selected
  6. In the "Are you sure you want to delete these bills?" pop-up, click OK

Deleted bills cannot be recovered. If you accidentally delete a bill, you'll need to manually re-add it.

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Why is there no delete button when I try to delete a form?

There are a few reasons why you may not be able to delete a form:

  1. You do not have the correct permissions
  2. You need to delete a later form 

If you're unable to delete a form or project, it's because you don't have the necessary permissions. In that case, you can reach out to your admin to either:

  • Have your permissions adjusted so you can delete the form/project
  • Have the admin delete the form/project for you

Locked sales orders/ invoices need to be unlocked before they can be deleted. 

To delete a form, all forms created after it needs to be deleted first. I.e., if you're trying to delete an estimate, you will need first to delete the sales order.

How do I unlock a locked sales order?

Sales orders automatically lock once they're invoiced; commonsku assumes the details on the sales order are final. However, you can unlock the sales order if you need to make changes or delete the form.

To unlock the sales order, click on the greyed-out Unlocked button on the far right just above your products/line items.

Why can't I unlock my sales order?

You need permission to "Unlock Orders" to unlock sales orders and invoices. You can either ask your admin to unlock the form or ask them to assign you the permission.

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