January 2023 - New Year, New commonsku University!

We're welcoming the new year with a brand new commonsku University! Your favorite resource is now a comprehensive guide to the entire commonsku platform and a perfect tool for new hires and commonsku vets.

What is commonsku University?

commonsku University is a role-based catalog of bite-sized tutorial videos that walk you through every step of commonsku's order management system, CRM features, reports, management tools, and more! The library has more than 300 videos to help get you up to speed on all things commonsku.



Where do I find commonsku University?

You can access commonsku University from your Resources tab! Give the Resources tab a click and select University from the list.

You can also access commonsku University from the Learn portal! Head to the Learn tab under Resources and click commonsku University on the right-hand side. 


How do I use commonsku University?

The new, role-based structure of commonsku University makes it easy to focus on content that is most relevant to your job. Under the Choose your role section, choose between the Management, Sales, Finance, and Production tiles, and commonsku will filter the video library based on what is most important to you.

Once you select your role, you can choose from a list of topics depending on your level of experience. Choose a topic from the Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced columns to access a list of videos that walk through your chosen feature.

The list of videos has been built based on the best way to learn the platform! We've put everything in the exact order you need to learn all about your chosen feature or tool without missing a thing.

Plus, all of our videos are short and sweet (no more than a couple of minutes) - which means you can get the answer you need quickly, and get right back to what's important!

Who is commonsku University for? 

Everyone! commonsku University should be the first stop for new hires who are just starting to familiarize themselves with the commonsku platform, and a home base for commonsku vets who need help with new and existing features. 

You have unlimited access to commonsku university, so you can watch as many videos as you want as many times as you need. 

Head to your Resources tab to check it out!