Proposition 65

Learn more about Proposition 65 warnings and how to add them to your products.

On this page:

Adding Proposition 65 warnings to products


Adding Proposition 65 warnings to products

If you are affected by Proposition 65, you can add a warning to a product(s) that you're presenting or shipping to clients in California. 

To add a Prop 65 warning to all ESP products in your project:

  1. From the project overview, check the box next to "Show Warning for Prop65" (right-hand side at the bottom of the page)

If this box is not checked, the warning will still show internally to you and your team but will not be shown to the client.

To add a warning to an individual product or view the Prop 65 warning:

  1. In the form, hover your product > click Edit
  2. Click Add Warning

Adding a warning populates generic Prop65 details. You can click into the text field to change the warning's wording.

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Can SAGE, Distributor Central, Collections, or custom products automatically show Pop65 warnings?

Can SAGE, Distributor Central, Collections, or custom products automatically show Prop65 warnings?

commonsku can apply Prop 65 warnings on ESP products. Any products from SAGE, Distributor Central, Collections, or your Company database need to have the warning added manually. You can a add warning directly to your custom product's Product Pages.

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