How to Set Up QuickBooks Desktop

Learn more about adjusting your client, supplier, and tax items before using Transaction Pro Importer to import invoices and bills into QuickBooks Desktop.

On this page:

Clients (Customers)

Suppliers (Vendors)

Tax items


Clients (Customers)

To avoid duplicates, ensure that your QuickBooks Desktop customers have the same name as your commonsku clients. You can edit the client name in commonsku or QuickBooks, whichever you prefer.

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Suppliers (Vendors)

To avoid duplicates, ensure that your QuickBooks Desktop vendors have the same name as your commonsku suppliers. In commonsku, most of the supplier names are hard-coded and cannot be changed, so it's best to make adjustments inside of QuickBooks Desktop.

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Tax items

The QuickBooks Desktop taxes must be added as Sales Tax Items rather than Sales Tax Codes.

To create a Sales Tax Item:

  1. In QuickBooks Desktop, click Lists
  2. Select Item List
  3. Click the "Item" drop-down and select New (Ctrl + N)
  4. In the "Type" drop-down, choose Sales Tax Item
  5. Enter the tax name, description, rate, and tax agency
  6. Click OK
  7. Add more Tax Items as needed (optional)

Please note:

  • Each Sales Tax Name needs to match the corresponding commonsku tax code's label
  • Each Tax Rate (%) needs to match the corresponding commonsku tax code's rate
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What happens if my clients/suppliers have different names in commonsku and QuickBooks Desktop?

QuickBooks Desktop will create a separate account for any clients or suppliers it doesn't recognize. You don't have to match the client and supplier names if you're OK with creating a new account; some teams prefer this option because it separates orders they made before moving to commonsku.

Do I have to add new clients/suppliers to QuickBooks Desktop and commonsku?

QuickBooks Desktop will automatically create new customer and vendor profiles for your new clients and suppliers.

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