Supplier Addresses

A supplier's address list shows the supplier's billing and shipping details.

On this page:

How to add a supplier address

Address details


How to add a supplier address

You can add a new supplier address from the supplier page's Profile and Contact tabs.

To add a new address from the Supplier page's Profile tab:

  1. Scroll down to the address section (under supplier contacts)
  2. Click Add Address
  3. Enter the address details
  4. Click Save

To add a new address from the supplier page's Contact's tab:

  1. Scroll down to the address section
  2. Click Add Address 
  3. Enter the address details
  4. Click Save

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Address details

The address details include the:

  • Address Name - this is for internal reference only and makes the address easier to identify
  • Company Name - this shows on your external-facing forms. It's an open text field, so you can type any company name you need to use for the supplier's billing/shipping
  • Address Lines 1-4
  • City
  • Country
  • State/Province
  • Postal/Zip Code
  • Address Type - designates whether the address is for billing, shipping, or both

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Why does an Add Address pop-up appear when I open a supplier's page?

You have not created a PO for this supplier before and need to add an address for shipping purposes. The Add Address pop-up will continue to appear until you add an address to the supplier's page.

What address do I put in the Add Address pop-up?

Enter the supplier's billing or shipping address in the pop-up; don't enter your company address.

How is the Address Name different from the Company Name?

The Address Name assigned is an internal label that's only viewable by your team, whereas the Company Name appears on all of your external-facing forms.

Is there a limit to the number of addresses I can add?

There's no limit to the number of addresses you can add to a supplier's page.

Can I delete an address?

To delete an address, hover over the address and click the trash icon-2 icon. Deleting an address removes it from the address list, but it will remain on any existing projects.

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