Distributor Benefits

Learn more about our distributor benefits program in commonsku.

On this page:

What benefits do we offer to our distributors?

Where can I locate information regarding Distributor Benefits?


What benefits do we offer to our distributors? 

Each supplier on commonsku offer a range of benefits through our distributor benefits program. This includes:

  • Simplified pricing/EQP
  • Free/Discounts samples or specs
  • Free/Discounted Proofs
  • Waive less than minimum charges

And more!

Where can I locate information regarding Distributor Benefits?

To access Distributor benefits:

  1. Click Connect > Suppliers in your left-hand navigation
  2. Click on any supplier to populate the slide-out menu

Here, you will find a summary of all the benefits they offer to commonsku distributors. You can explore the different suppliers to see the range of benefits. This area will be updated periodically, so ensure that your team knows how to access Distributor Benefit details.


commonsku Tip: You must submit POs through commonsku to redeem your benefits. Be sure to click on each benefit and read the description before submitting your PO to the supplier.


How do I qualify for Distributor benefits?

All commonsku users qualify for Distributor benefits.

Where can I find additional information about the distributor benefits offered by suppliers?

On the supplier's page, you'll find a slide-out menu that displays the benefits offered by each supplier to commonsku distributors. Make sure to click on each benefit to get more details about it.

Who can I contact if I have questions regarding distributor benefits?

A supplier's commonsku Champion is your go-to rep for questions about redeeming your Distributor Benefits. 

How can I make the most of the connected workflow through Promostandards ?

Reach out to your PromoStandards supplier contacts and take advantage of their Connected Workflows by adding PromoStandards to your commonsku account.