What is an Estimate?

Estimates help sales reps provide detailed quotes for their client. By using unique features like hiding products and hiding totals, sales reps can create multiple quotes from a single commonsku estimate.

On this page:

Estimate overview


Estimate overview

Estimates can display different products or services your client may want to order, including each item's:

With estimates, you can:

You can create a single estimate but send numerous quotes using the "Hide products" and "Hide totals" features mentioned above. The reason is, estimates are sent as HTML and PDF forms, so your client sees the product details sent via email rather than live changes you make to the estimate.

Learn more about all the different customizations for your estimates!

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Why use an estimate instead of a presentation?

Presentations showcase potential products for clients to browse without going into specific pricing. Whereas estimates provide detailed pricing and artwork information, as well as service charges.

Do I have to create an estimate?

No, you don't have to! Depending on what the client needs, it may not be necessary to start with an estimate. 

Can I create a presentation after I've made an estimate?

There is no way to work backward in a project without deleting later sales forms or copying a form to a new project. That means that you won't be able to create a presentation if you have already made an estimate or sales order.

Why use an estimate instead of a sales order?

Sales orders do not give you the option to hide products or totals from your client as estimates do. A sales order is the formal order approval document, whereas an estimate is simply a quote.

Can I make a copy of an estimate?

Yes! You can copy an estimate into a new shop or project.

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