What is a Sales Order?

Sales orders allow sales reps to confirm order details with their client, such as the products and services they'd like to purchase, including each item's pricing and artwork information.

On this page:

Sales order overview


Sales order overview

Sales orders show all products and services your client is ordering, including each item's:

With sales orders, you can:

You can create:

Learn more about all the different customizations for your sales orders!

commonsku's sales orders allow your clients to use live buttons to approve or request a change on their order.

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How do I ship pre-purchased blank goods to a decorator?

Learn how to process orders for blank (pre-purchased) goods shipping to a decorator.

Why can't I change the information on my sales order?

Sales orders automatically lock once they are invoiced; commonsku assumes the details on the sales order are final. However, you can unlock the sales order if you need to make changes or delete the form.

To unlock the sales order, click on the greyed-out Unlocked button on the far right above your products/line items.

You need permission to "Unlock Orders" to unlock sales orders and invoices. You can either ask your admin to unlock the form or ask them to assign you the permission.

Can I make a copy of a sales order? 

Yes! You can copy a sales order into a shop or new project.

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